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Bases: OMEMixin, OMEType

The OME element is a container for all information objects accessible by OME.

These information objects include descriptions of the imaging experiments and the people who perform them, descriptions of the microscope, the resulting images and how they were acquired, the analyses performed on those images, and the analysis results themselves. An OME file may contain any or all of this information. With the creation of the Metadata Only Companion OME-XML and Binary Only OME-TIFF files the top level OME node has changed slightly. It can EITHER: Contain all the previously expected elements OR: Contain a single BinaryOnly element that points at its Metadata Only Companion OME-XML file.


Name Type Description
rights None | Rights

(The OME Rights).

project list[Project]

(The OME Projects).

dataset list[Dataset]

(The OME Datasets).

folder list[Folder]

(The OME Folders).

experiment list[Experiment]

(The OME Experiments).

plate list[Plate]

(The OME Plates).

screen list[Screen]

(The OME Screens).

experimenter list[Experimenter]

(The OME Experimenters).

experimenter_group list[ExperimenterGroup]

(The OME ExperimenterGroups).

instrument list[Instrument]

(The OME Instruments).

image list[Image]

(The OME Images).

structured_annotations None | StructuredAnnotations

(The OME StructuredAnnotations).

roi list[ROI]

(The OME ROIs).

binary_only None | BinaryOnly

Pointer to an external metadata file. If this element is present, then no other metadata may be present in this file, i.e. this file is a place- holder.

uuid None | str

This unique identifier is used to keep track of multi part files. It allows the links between files to survive renaming. While OPTIONAL in the general case this is REQUIRED in a MetadataOnly Companion to a collection of BinaryOnly files.

creator None | str

This is the name of the creating application of the OME-XML and preferably its full version. e.g "CompanyName, SoftwareName, V2.6.3456" This is optional but we hope it will be set by applications writing out OME-XML from scratch.


Bases: OMEType


Name Type Description
metadata_file str

Filename of the OME-XML metadata file for this binary data. If the file cannot be found, a search can be performed based on the UUID.

uuid str

The unique identifier of another OME-XML block whose metadata describes the binary data in this file. This UUID is considered authoritative regardless of mismatches in the filename.

from_tiff(path: Path | str | BinaryIO, *, validate: bool | None = None, parser_kwargs: ParserKwargs | None = None) -> OME

Generate an OME object from a TIFF file.


Name Type Description Default
path Path | str | BinaryIO

Path to a TIFF file or a file-like object.

validate bool | None

Whether to validate the XML document against the OME schema before parsing. If None, validation will be skipped if lxml is not available, and will be performed otherwise.

parser_kwargs ParserKwargs | None

Passed to the XmlParser constructor. If None, a default parser will be used.


from_xml(source: XMLSource, *, validate: bool | None = None, parser: Any = None, parser_kwargs: ParserKwargs | None = None, transformations: Iterable[TransformationCallable] = (), warn_on_schema_update: bool = False) -> OME

Generate an OME object from an XML document.

NOTE: Technically, this can return any ome-types instance, (not just OME) but it's by far the most common type that will come out of this function, and the type annotation will be more useful to most users. For those who pass in an xml document that isn't just a root tag, they can cast the result to the correct type themselves.


Name Type Description Default
source (Path | str | bytes | BytesIO)

Path to an XML file, string or bytes containing XML, or a file-like object. If the source is not OME-2016-06 XML, it will be transformed to that namespace if possible.

validate bool | None

Whether to validate the XML document against the OME schema. If None, validation will be skipped if lxml is not available, and will be performed otherwise.

parser Any

Ignored, but kept for backwards compatibility.

parser_kwargs ParserKwargs | None

Passed to the XmlParser constructor. If None, a default parser will be used.

transformations Iterable[TransformationCallable]

A sequence of functions that take an ElementTree and return an ElementTree. These will be applied sequentially to the XML document before parsing. Can be used to apply custom transformations or fixes to the XML document before parsing.

warn_on_schema_update bool

Whether to warn if a transformation was applied to bring the document to OME-2016-06.



Type Description

The OME object parsed from the XML document. (See NOTE above.)

to_dict(source: OME | XMLSource) -> dict[str, Any]

Return a dictionary representation of an OME or XML document.


Name Type Description Default
source OME | Path | str | bytes | BytesIO

An OME object, or a path to an XML file, or a string or bytes containing XML.



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

A dictionary representation of the OME object or XML document.

to_xml(obj: OMEType, *, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_unset: bool = True, indent: int = 2, include_namespace: bool | None = None, include_schema_location: bool = True, canonicalize: bool = False, validate: bool = False) -> str

Generate an XML document from an OME object.


Name Type Description Default
obj OMEType

Instance of an ome-types model class.

exclude_defaults bool

Whether to exclude attributes that are set to their default value, by default False.

exclude_unset bool

Whether to exclude attributes that are not explicitly set, by default True.

indent int

Number of spaces to indent the XML document, by default 2.

include_namespace bool | None

Whether to include the OME namespace in the root element. If None, will be set to the value of canonicalize, by default None.

include_schema_location bool

Whether to include the schema location in the root element, by default True.

canonicalize bool

Whether to canonicalize the XML output, by default False.

validate bool

Whether to validate the XML document against the OME schema, after rendering. (In most cases, this will be redundant and unnecessary.)



Type Description

The XML document as a string.

validate_xml(xml: XMLSource, schema: Path | str | None = None, *, warn_on_schema_update: bool = True) -> AnyElementTree

Validate XML against an XML Schema.

By default, will validate against the OME 2016-06 schema.